Old Testament Stories

Article number: P-12384
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The Seven Days of Creation

Earth: Its Creators and First Inhabitants

Foundations of the Israelite Nation; The Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

The Story of Job: Trials, troubles and faith

The Israelites in Egypt: Joseph and his brethren

From Egypt to the Promised ltand: Moses and his mission; Joshua

Appointment of Judges: Guidance and encouragement

The Story of Ruth: A time of harmony and fulfillment

The First Kings: Saul, David, Solomon

The Prophets: Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah and Others; The call to repentance and the coming Messiah

The Babylonian Captivity: Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel

The Story of Esther: Jews are saved from destruction

The Twelve Minor Prophets

Roy Wilkinson was an indefatigable teacher of children, lecturer, author, and inspirer of many people in the Waldorf movement in the UK and abroad, right up to his death at the age of 90 in 2007.

Author: Roy Wilkinson
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