Rudolf Steiner: Aspects Of His Spiritual World-View Vol. 2

Article number: P-11092
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In many ways, Rudolf Steiner is the forgotten genius of recent times. A powerful thinker, who developed an intricate spiritual philosophy based on his ability to research and perceive spiritual dimensions, Steiner is perhaps best known today for his legacy to education, medicine and agriculture. But behind these practical manifestations of his ideas lies a profound teaching, which he termed a science of spirit, or anthroposophy. In these wonderfully succinct summaries of Steiner’s thought, Roy Wilkinson introduces us to aspects of this spiritual philosophy.

About the Author
Roy Wilkinson was an indefatigable teacher of children, lecturer, author, and inspirer of many people in the Waldorf movement in the UK and abroad, right up to his death at the age of 90 in 2007.

Author: Roy Wilkinson
96 pages
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