The Soul of Discipline: The Simplicity Parenting Approach to Warm, Firm, and Calm Guidance- From Toddlers to Teens paperback

Article number: 9780345548696
Availability: In stock (1)
Kim John Payne
Grades 6-12
An elegantly simple and inspiring approach to shaping a child's behaviour by the author of the book that started a movement, Simplicity Parenting.
There is no such thing as a disobedient child, only a disoriented one. As internationally-respected parenting expert Kim John Payne explains, a child's misbehaviour is a means of navigation: they are asking us to show them where they stand. Combining Payne's astute observations and stories with brain-based evidence and child development expertise, The Soul of Discipline offers a simple, three-phased road map for orienting children to appropriate behaviour without resorting to punishment and ultimatums:
  • Parents act as the "Governor" of children up to age seven or eight;
  • the "Gardener" who watches, listens and decides on the right course of action with the school-aged child;
  • and finally the "Guide" who collaborates with an increasingly mature child in the teen years.
At each stage, Payne gives parents a series of small, do-able changes that build off the existing family dynamic (as well as a "rescue kit" for families coming to his program in later years), allowing parents to keep their own unique parenting voice, but to speak with greater clarity.
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